产品特性:诚信供应 | 类型:其他电源模块 | 品牌:EMERSON |
型号:VE4003S4B1 | 电源电压:200v | 功率:1800 |
用途:电子 | 特色服务:质保一年 |
PLC、DCS、CPU模块、通讯模块、输入输出模块、电源模块、PXI模块、伺服驱动、伺服电机、控制器、编码器、调节器、传感器、光纤接口板、采集卡、等自动化备件 ==工控产品基本上都有,无法找到的商品可以联系客服帮您查询 艾默生DeltaV系统中有六种功能块: ***控制(Advanced Control)功能块–为***过程控制实现复杂算法功能 ***(Advanced)功能块– 执行诸如表决和顺序等***功能 模拟控制(Analog Control)功能块–为广泛的模拟控制执行简单和复杂的算法 能量计量(Energy Metering)功能块–为天然气,蒸气或其它流体执行数学流量计算 输入/输出(I/O)功能块–用在其它功能块或现场设备的缩放,转换,和滤波输入和输出信号 逻辑(Logical)功能块–为顺序,计划和联锁执行逻辑功能。 数学(Math)功能块–执行转换,积分和累加的数学功能。 定时/计数(Timer/Counter)功能块– 为控制和***,执行定时和计数功能。 There are six functional blocks in the Emerson DeltaV system: Advanced Control Function Block - Implementing Complex Algorithm Functions for Advanced Process Control Advanced Function Block - Perform advanced functions such as voting and ordering Analog Control Function Block - Execute simple and complex algorithms for a wide range of analog controls Energy Metering Function Block - Perform mathematical flow calculations for natural gas, steam, or other fluids Input/Output (I/O) Function Block - Used for scaling, converting, and filtering input and output signals in other function blocks or field devices Logical Function Block - It is used for sequential, planned, and interlocked execution of logical functions. Math Function Block - Perform mathematical functions such as conversion, integration, and accumulation. Timer/Counter function block - performs timing and counting functions for control and sorting. 模拟输出通道:Emerson 5X00063G01 模拟输出模块通常具有多个模拟输出通道,每个通道可以输出一个独立的模拟信号。 输出范围:这种模块通常支持不同的输出范围,例如 4-20 mA 或 0-10 V,以适应不同类型的外部设备或执行器的要求。 分辨率:模块通常具有高分辨率,以确保输出信号的精度和稳定性。 通信接口:某些模块支持通信接口,以便与其他控制系统组件、监测设备或监视系统进行数据交换和远程监控。 可编程性:这些模块通常具有可编程的功能,允许用户根据具体应用需求配置输出信号的特性和范围。 自诊断:模块通常具有自诊断功能,可以监测和报告自身的运行状态和故障。 Analog output channels: Emerson 5X00063G01 analog output modules typically he multiple analog output channels, each of which can output an independent analog signal. Output Range: This module typically supports different output ranges, such as 4-20 mA or 0-10 V, to accommodate the requirements of different types of external devices or actuators. Resolution: Modules typically he high resolution to ensure the accuracy and stability of the output signal. Communication interface: Some modules support communication interfaces for data exchange and remote monitoring with other control system components, monitoring devices, or monitoring systems. Programmable: These modules typically he programmable functionality, allowing users to configure the characteristics and range of output signals according to specific application requirements. Self diagnosis: Modules usually he self diagnostic functions that can monitor and report their own operating status and faults. 西屋 Ovation系列型号: 【免责声明】 我司销售新产品和停产产品,独立渠道购买此类特色产品。厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司不是本网站特色产品的授权分销商、经销商或代表。本网站上使用的所有产品名称/产品图片、商标、品牌和微标均为其各自所有者的财产带有这些名称图片、商标、品牌和徽标的产品描述、 描写或销售仅用于识别目的,并不表示与任何权利持有人有任何关联或授权。
1B30035H01 1B30016H06 1C31224G02 1X00097H01 1D54581G03
1C31227G01 1C31203G01 1C31166G01 1X00102H01 1D54581G04
1C31169G01 1C31204G01 1C31227G02 1X00107H01 1D54582G01
1C31234G01 1C31205G01 1C31232G03 1X00126H02 1D54582G02
1C31169G02 1C31206G01 1C31233G01 1X00133H01 1D54582G03
1C31122G01 1C31107G01 1C31147G01 1X00161H01 1D54582G05
1C31125G02 1C31110G02 1C31147G02 1X00163H01 1C31192G01
1C31224G01 1C31113G01 1D42128G01 1X00163H02 1D54582G06
1C31116G04 1C31113G02 1D54416G01 1X00163H03 1C31166G02
1C31150G02 1C31113G03 1D54458G01 1X00163H04 1X00024H03
1C31132G01 1C31113G04 1D54471G02 1X00185H01 1X00093G04
1C31129G03 1C31113G05 1D54471G03 1X00377H01 1X00093G05
3A99158G01 1C31113G06 1D54540G01 1X00415H01 1X00093G06
1X00024H01 1C31116G02 1D54544G01-8 1X00416H01 1X00093G07
3A99132G02 1C31116G03 1D54557G03 1X00416H02 1X00093H08
ST24B3 1C31161G02 1D54557G07 1X00416H03 1X00093H09
***26391H24 1C31164G02 1D54557G10 1X00416H04 1X00093G10